“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Boden
Lola loves to read all types of oracle and tarot cards. As a natural intuitive, she has been doing them for herself and friends since 2013. She has learned along the way that there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ reading! Lola’s card readings are an opportunity to tap into a deeper, energetic level and receive messages from the Universe, Source, and your Highest Self. They will guide you to the discovery of the subconscious energies present in your life.
Lola will begin with a very short grounded meditation and peeling back any layers unwelcomed during the reading. Then, she will pull from the deck of your choice – animal spirit guides, tarot, mudras, or fairy deck. You will point out one to two things that immediately stand out before Lola goes deeper into the reading. Lastly, she will read what the accompanying guide book says for further explanation. She will close the reading with a smudging ritual to help clear any blocks or unwanted energies that could be holding you back.
All readings at this time are done online unless you purchase a 60 or 90 minute reiki session.
To book a card reading, email glowbylola@gmail.com